How do I become a Freemason? Ask!

Post date: Nov 4, 2008 8:51:27 PM

Because Masons have not traditionally recruited members, and do not hold public meetings, there has long been confusion about how to join the Fraternity. Does someone ask you? Do you ask? But if you meet the requirements above, it is really quite simple:

Most men can become a Mason by simply asking - like Washington, Franklin, and most every Mason from the past to the present day. Each Lodge manages the membership process for its candidates. In general, men seek out a Lodge near their home or work (the "Find a Lodge Near You" feature will help you find the nearest lodge), or they ask a Mason to recommend a Lodge to them. Once you've found a lodge you would like to join, let them know of your interest and they will provide you with a petition.

If you are unanimously elected by the members of a lodge, joining the Fraternity involves going through three "degrees": Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason. Every man accepted into the Fraternity goes through the degrees, thereby making each an equal to the others in the lodge. Typically they are conferred during a lodge's monthly meeting over the course of three months.